namrata arjun
Possessed (2020)
12 x 12 inch
Oil on Wood Panel
The interior scenes featured in the set of paintings titled Possessed (2020) draw from photographic sources of the the anti-CAA protests at Shaheen Bagh in India, in 2019-20 and the Sudanese Zar ritual, which is framed as an idiom of feminist resistance. Protesting bodies crowd outside the window, with little regard for the overdetermined structure of perspectival space, or the figure/ground dichotomy. The equally disobedient geometric, mosaic flooring further fractures this dichotomy, opening up multiple spaces within the picture plane. The expressively handled figures, icons and bodies exist on the threshold of paint mark and illusionism, past and present, across time and culture, illuminating and sustaining each other. The wetness, liquidity, and viscousness of paint, is an equally important vehicle for evoking the the feminine and the fluid as a counterpoint to the dry, conceptual or dematerialised laws and systems that territorialise bodies.